YOU can become RICH with PROPERTIES!!! Live the life you desire with PROPERTIES! Come to my seminar teaching you how to MAKE MONEY from PROPERTIES!!!
It would appear that any time you have an interest in investing in real estate, you get overwhelmed with huge font, glaring colors and titles promising you the earth if you attend their seminar (a good deal at $2999), get their motivational tapes (such a bargain at $199.99), and/or buy their motivational DVD as well as book combo (merely $ 99.99? Practically giving them away!).
Once the enthusiastic investor signs up, the "expert" delivers speeches and media that are often long on fantasy and short on reality. They prey on greed, simple as that. They catch the interest of people who wish to think that the road to wealth is a smooth ride.
It is true that property investments can transform your finances and diversify your portfolio. Additionally, it is correct that there exist lots of people who are quietly well off due to careful investing in real estate. The simple truth is, many of these people worked really hard, gave up gratification and invested sensibly instead of falling for promises of easy money.
What these phony gurus are going to do is focus on the life you "could" have and gloss over the work property investment requires. They talk about themselves with as many adjectives as they possibly can instead of actually giving you verifiable information concerning their competence. They gloss over any problems common to property investment.
False gurus also don't want you to talk to genuine industry experts, such as realtors, because a good realtor will lose no time educating you regarding the truth of your situation in the property industry and then direct you to sensible investments that can be likely to offer you a very good profit for the money and time you are prepared to devote.
Not every person running a seminar on property investment is a shyster. Seek out people who don't guarantee you instant success, who don't use fancy buzzwords instead of real information and who have verifiable sources. Do they work in the property industry? Do they have track record from that field? What is the focus of the seminar? A person who is willing to give you the facts on what could go awry is much more valuable to you than somebody who charges you a whole lot of cash to tell you practically nothing about what you need to know.
There are actually people out there becoming rich by organizing seminars focusing on motivational information instead of facts and systems. They are going to toss lots of buzzwords in their shop talk and imply that you
a) are a fool
b) will continue to be POOR for the remainder of your life and/or
c) are too ignorant to understand their 'vision'.
Should you show any signal of critical thinking, they are going to attempt to avoid your questions with more buzztalk and/or unverifiable claims.
Don't fall for these scam artists. Place your trust in an expert who will give priority to your goals and will not charge you for their knowledge.
The Property Outlook Convention aims to provide investors with the latest information on the current property market conditions and innovative property investment strategies. It is organized by Wealth Mastery Academy, a company committed to providing solid financial education and wealth creation strategies to the masses.
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