Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Malaysia & Asia Pacific Region - Property Outlook Conference 2013

One of the largest most talked about project lately is Iskandar Malaysia. Statistics show that there are more foreign investors from Singapore who are opting to buying properties in Malaysia. All this shows how Malaysia can maintain a competitive edge with other countries in the Asia Pacific region. Malaysia proves its potential to become strong business centre with a strategic location in the region.

Ms. Veena Loh who is the General Manager of Malaysia Property Incorporated is a very experienced person in the economy and property field. She is one of the speakers at Property Outlook Conference 2013, invited by Wealth Mastery Academy


Veena Loh has both public and private sector experience, working as a Senior Analyst in stockbroking firms, an economics consultant to the National Economic Action Council, now merged with the Economic Planning Unit and as a Senior Fellow at Institute of Strategic and International Studies. MPI is a public-private initiative set up by the EPU to promote and facilitate foreign investment in Malaysian real estate. MPI raises Malaysia’s profile internationally by constantly updating foreign investors on Malaysian real estate information and organising events overseas to brand Malaysian real estate.

You also will learn:
  • Malaysia has a competitive edge in the region.
  • Malaysia has much to offer foreigners as a second home.
  • Malaysia is located in a strategic and viable business centre in the Asia Pacific.
  • Thereby able to market Malaysian real estate to foreigners.

Secure your seats now by visiting the following websites http://www.propertyoutlookconference.com?r=im&b=217f00e6&chan=blog or connect with our official web at http://wealthmasteryacademy.com/.
*Seats available while it lasts

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