Monday, December 17, 2012

Real Estate Investment Trust - Property Outlook Conference 2013

An individual may invest in a publicly traded REIT, which is listed on a major stock exchange, by purchasing shares through a securities dealer. These professionals may be able to recommend appropriate REIT investments for the investor. Investing in REIT also helps to divert your risk away from your investment portfolio, and by selecting good REIT, it will not just guarantee you with high yield but it also gives good dividend return. 

George Stewart LaBrooy, CEO of Axis REIT Managers Bhd  and also chairman of Malaysian REIT Managers Association will be sharing what are the good things in investing REIT and how to pick a good REIT at Property Outlook Conference 2013 which organized by Wealth Mastery Academy


George Stewart LaBrooy is the Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director of Axis REIT Managers Bhd. He has served for 20 years in top management positions in the Malaysian Industry before joining the Axis Group in 1995. He is a prominent speaker on the subject of REITs and also serves as the Vice President of the Asia Pacific Real Estate Association (APREA) and as Chairman of the Malaysian REIT Managers Association.

His topic will be: Malaysia REITs 2013 Outlook

You will also learn:

  • What to look for when investing in REITs.
  • How to analyse a REIT stock.
  • Understand the risk profile of REITs.
  • How to re-balance your investment portfolio

Secure your seats now by visiting the following websites or connect with our official web at
*Seats available while it lasts

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